Similarly to the “former” HP’s practice, the current HPI concentrates its activity on production of devices and software for their use in line with the needs of home and corporate users. The wide array of HPI products is made up of, e.g. desktop computers and work stations, portable and hybrid computers, monitors and office devices such as printers or scanners along with a wide array of office materials and accessories.
ESKOM as a HPI partner
Partnership status granted to ESKOM by HPI allows it to provide you with optimally selected solutions with a HPI logo and guarantee the high competence level of the engineer team during the performance of works connected with implementation and use of particular solutions. As an experienced HPI partner, ESKOM is able to achieve attractive price conditions during the purchase performed to the benefit of the Client’s organisation.
The HPI partnership status that the company enjoys currently translates into:
For complete product catalogue with product codes, visit