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Privacy Policy

All rights to this portal, including in particular the trade marks are owned only by ESKOM or its partners. No part of the portal may be copied, modified, transmitted electronically without the prior consent of ESKOM.

The content of the portal is protected by Polish Law, in particular the Law of 30 June 2000, Industrial Property Law (Journal of Laws 03.119.1117 as amended) and the Law of 16 April 1993 on Combating Unfair Competition (consolidated text Journal of Laws 03.153.1503 as amended).

The offer presented on the website, including the online store does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code, it is only an invitation to enter into negotiations (pursuant to Art. 71 of the Civil Code) *. Despite the best efforts we can not guarantee that the data published do not contain deficiencies or errors. Any possible incorrect descriptions cannot be the basis for claims. In case of doubt, do not hesitate to contact us prior to making a purchase decision.
*) In accordance with Art. 71 of the Civil Code, advertisements, price lists and other information aimed at the general public or particular persons in case of doubt are understood not as an offer, but an invitation to conclude an agreement.

Personal data protection

Administrator of your personal data is ESKOM IT sp. z o.o. with its corporate seat in Warsaw 02-844, at ul. Puławska 543, entered into the entrepreneurs’ register of the National Court Register, run by the District Court for the capital city of Warsaw, XII Economic Division under the NCR no 332007, Tax ID no. 5252458209, REGON statistical no.: 141946570.

Data protection is realised by ESKOM in accordance with the requirements of the generally binding legal provisions, in particular the EU Parliament’s and EU Council’s resolution of 2016/679 of 27th of April, 2016 regarding protection of physical persons in connection with processing of personal data and with respect to free flow of such data.


Personal data is processed in the scope and aim:

  • in accordance with concluded contract for the provision of goods and services, as well as for the purpose of fulfilment of legally justified interest of ESKOM in form of direct marketing of ESKOM goods and services, as well as goods and services of third parties, as supplied by ESKOM – during the course of legal relationship (in particular throughout the entire time period of the contract),
  • in accordance with a granted consent, whereas granted consent may be withheld at any arbitrary time, this however, would have no effect on data processing realised prior to the consent withholding;
  • to fulfil legally justified interest of the administrator in the form of need for maintaining business relationships, until a time of possible raising of objection with respect to such data processing;
  • to meet legal obligation of administrator in connection with the provisions of the Accountancy act of the 29th of September 1994 (Leg. Journal from 1994, No. 121, it. 591);
  • to fulfil legally justified interest of administrator with the object of settlement of claims, exertion of rights or defending of possible claims, which could arise in effect of contract performance until time of their lawful expiry.


Processed data can be made available to other entities acting within business environment, in connection with or in cooperation with ESKOM, for purposed related to fulfilment of business processes (and in particular in order to perform and conclude contracts and see to claims).

Each person which is owner of the data is entitled to the right to access to the data, correct it, discard, transfer and limit its processing by the administrator and to make complaints to Chairman of the Personal Data Protection Office.
Each person being owner of the data has the right to raise objection with respect to data processing as realised by administrator.
Personal data is processed exclusively by persons authorised for doing so or else by persons with whom relevant contracts for entrusting personal data have been signed.

Contact with person administering personal data processing is possible electronically using the following email address: iod@eskom.eu


Cookies Policy


ESKOM IT Sp. z o.o. declares that their websites use Internet cookies, i.e. files gathering information about the sites that have been visited by the user and about his/her browsing activity. We would like to inform you that those Internet cookies can link the gathered information only with the web browser installed in a given computer without disclosing any user details. The information is stored by the servers of ESKOM IT Sp. z o. o. on the user’s computer and can be reread every time the computer is accessed. The cookie files serve ESKOM only to gather statistical data for the website, which makes it easier for our technicians to further improve its browsing system.