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ESKOM is Microsoft company partner with the Gold Small and Midmarket Cloud Solutions status, which is granted to those entities credited with competencies and experience at work with the Redmond giant solutions dedicated to the cloud environments. In particular those, which are used successfully by more and more entities deriving from small and medium corporate sectors.

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Nie jesteś pewny, czy to usługa dla Ciebie? Nasi inżynierowie IT z chęcią udzielą Ci odpowiedzi na wszelkie pytania, podpowiedzą najelpsze rozwiązanie!

The Microsoft solutions as provided by ESKOM in cloud computing, in connection with the competencies of the engineering team of the company are capable of being translated into some numerous advantages, useful in the everyday-life business practice of firms and organisations availing of the cloud model of infrastructure. Above all, we are speaking of a significantly reduced total cost in comparison with the traditional model, as well as full scalability, which provides the so much needed flexibility, when an organisation is focused on continuous development.

Microsoft, doubtless, belongs to the most recognised brand names in the world, whereas, over the recent years the firm tends to invest heavily in its portfolio of solutions availing of the cloud environments. The logo of the provided by the company operating systems pops up every single day on hundreds of millions of devices: on personal computers (Windows), at corporate data centres (Windows Server) or else on mobile devices (Windows Phone). Apart from the operating systems, Microsoft also provides a number of frequently updated applications, such as the MS Office 365, Outlook or Skype. Nowadays, over 70 per cent of companies ranked in the Fortune 500 avail of the solutions, which serve in building and enhancing communication functions stuffed in the Microsoft Share Point.

For complete product catalogue with product codes, visit http://www.microsoft.com

Developed based on materials made available by Microsoft.

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W trakcie bezpłatnej konsultacji możesz omówić dowolny temat związany z obszarem naszych usług lub produktów! Zawsze umawiamy dogodny dla obu stron termin i dbamy o najwyższy poziom udzielanych odpowiedzi. Oddzwonimy do Ciebie maksymalnie do końca następnego dnia roboczego.