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HPE SimpliVity

HPE SimpliVity 380

HPE SimpliVity 380 is the most advanced, fully hyper-convergent platform in the market performing the processes of deduplication and compression of data and storage of backup copies of that data. Such a high level of resource consolidation results in the fact that HPE SimpliVity replaces virtually all components of the Data Centre infrastructure, reducing the total owning costs and simplifying it.

HPE SimpliVity is based on a reliable server platform HPE ProLiant DL380, which in connection with the software and accelerator HPE SimpliVity works wonders 🙂

The entire solution works between the hardware layer and the VMware virtualisator. The HPE Simplivity software creates two layers, one to present data for ESXi hosts and the other to manage data. All processes of data saving and reading go through those layers, which are facilitated with a hardware accelerator deduplicating and compressing in real time (without loading server processes), which results in the fact that only unique blocks for the entire infrastructure are actually saved on hard disk drives.

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HPE SimpliVity


It is similar in the case of backup copies, which are created only out of unique and compressed blocks for the entire solution and the information about them is stored at the level of metadata. That approach allows saving valuable hard disk drive space and considerably speeding up the process of backup copy restoration.

The basic installation of HPE SimpliVity 380 consists of at least two nodes and allows achieving a local environment of high availability (HA)., In order to create an infrastructure with disaster recovery (DR), it is enough to have 3 nodes in the 2+1 configuration. Regardless of the number of nodes and locations, the entire solution is managed centrally with the VMware vCenter plugin.

Due to its unique solutions, the architecture is perfect for building a highly available environment, a private cloud, VDI environment or a testing-developer’s environment, Data Centre migration and first and foremost to refurbish an obsolete infrastructure.

hpe simpliviy nowy v2 2HPE SimpliVity 2600

HPE SimpliVity 2600 is a solution expanding the SimpliVity family by compact max. 4- nod units in the 2U format casing.

The hardware bases on the  HPE Apollo 2000 solution, and the greatest difference from the HPE SimpliVity 380 model is lack of dedicated accelerator and replacing it with a worked-out algorithm. This change does not have any impact, however, on neither functionality, nor efficiency of the appliance.

In the end, the role of the HPE SimpliVity 2600 is to provide compact and comprehensive virtualization platform for  remote locations (ROBO) and VDI environments, while holding on to the option of operation from the level of a single console for the entire infrastructure.

The HPE SimpliVity 380 and HPE SimpliVity 2600 solutions can be also brought together to form federations, thus further simplifying the operation process.

For complete product catalogue with product models, go to https://www.hpe.com/us/en/integrated-systems/simplivity.html



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