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HPE Servers

HPE ProLiant servers is a family of rack and tower solutions combining three most important advantages from the point of view of modern organisations: high efficiency, configuration and expansion flexibility and operational reliability.

Wide array of HPE ProLiant products allows you to select the optimal model for your specific type of business activity, which additionally – thanks to the employed technologies – consumes less power and, thus, decrease the total cost of ownership (TCO). Each model is fully optimised for parallel operation of many application, which positively affects the entire IT environment working pace, and in consequence provides your enterprise with the possibility of faster reaction to arising challenges.

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gen10 servers

HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 – is ideal solution for small offices, remote divisions or home offices. Compact dimensions, silent operation and low power use are its main advantage. The issue of efficiency is taken care of by AMD APU (accelerated processing unit), which is system combining a traditional processor with graphics enabling for operating two 4k screens. The whole lot has been designed in such a way, so as to facilitate changing of disks, memory units or expansion cards. As an option, HPE MicroServer Gen10 can be provided with a preinstalled operation system ClearOS, operated from a straightforward GUI web and offering applications expanding its capabilities.


HPE ProLiant MicroServer Gen10 HPE MicroServer Gen10

HPE ProLiant DL360 Gen10 – suggested for organisations whose IT environment requires the implementation of solutions providing efficient computing power with high density for the purposes of virtualisation or large database operation. Moreover, HPE ProLiant DL360 servers allow automation of many tasks like update, monitoring or maintenance, which undoubtedly facilitates managing their resources. The technologies employed in these models decrease cooling and power supply costs as well.

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HPE Proliant DL380 Gen10 – a recognised solution for enterprises and institutions which seek high efficiency and security combined with operability and large disk space. The technologies employed in HPE Proliant DL380 Gen9 may well aspire to create new standards for data processing centres, offering exceptionally high operational reliability of applications critical to a given enterprise or a specific project.

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HPE ProLiant DL385 Gen10 – inherits main advantages of the HPE DL380 Gen10, but it is based on the latest AMD EPYC processors, instead of Intel Xeon. Thanks to this, that server can be provided with maximally 64 cores and up to 4TB of RAM memory. Moreover, the applied processors enable for operation of up to 24 highly efficient NVMe disks, which means that HPE DL385 Gen10 becomes an ideal solution for organisations seeking efficient virtualization platform with really quick mass memory subsystem.

HPE ProLiant DL560 Gen10 and DL580 Gen10 – these are robust four-processor servers equipped with the latest Intel Xeon Scalable CPUs and designed to deliver maximum efficiency and safety. These solutions also support the latest technologies, such as NVMe discs or NVDIMM memories, and provide many options of development allowing for the best possible matching. They are dedicated for all kinds of load and application, taking into account critical applications and applications requiring data bases.

dl580 gen10 dl580 gen10 2

HPE ProLiant ML servers – selected models and their application

ml110 gen10HPE ProLiant ML110 Gen10 – this solution is dedicated for smaller enterprises ready to fully meet their needs due to flexibility of development and support for the latest safety technologies available on the market. This server has a socket for one CPU, six RAM slot, five PCIe slots and slots for 8 LFF discs or 16 SFF discs. At the time of organisation development, the server can be adjusted to the rack standard.

ML350HPE ProLiant ML350 Gen10 – is an uncompromising and reliable, efficient and upgradeable solution, ideally suitable for implementing in corporative IT infrastructure, operating most important applications and organizational processes, or in dynamically developing small and medium enterprises. HPE ProLiant ML350 supports the state-of-the-art technological solutions available, inclusive of Intel Xeon Scable, DDR4 memory, NVMe mass memory and Nvidia graphics. Moreover, it enables upgrading disks up to 12 LFF or 24 SFF, thus fulfilling the need of providing large and capacious mass memory with direct connection.

For complete product catalogue with product codes, visit http://www.hpe.com

Developed based on materials made available by HPE.

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