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HPE Moonshot

HPE Moonshot 1500 housing is a scalable platform supporting many solutions, optimised for specific tasks which makes it an optimal platform for any data centre.

HPE Moonshot 1500

It integrates server inserts (maximum 45 pcs, individually serviced and connected during operation), mass memory, network options (2 network switches) as well as administration and common redundant power supply. As such, it requires fewer cables and less space, uses less power and generates lower costs.

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The Moonshot architecture provides great freedom of modification of the device according to the current needs as there are no limitations in relation to the type of installed modules and their number, they can be freely connected and mixed within the Moonshot 1500 housing. It is also a solution designed to support the latest insert technologies that have not even been created yet.

HPE ProLiant server inserts for the HPE Moonshot system

The HPE Moonshot server inserts can be successfully used in the projects specified below.

moduły all

Media processing

Management of ever increasing video content is quite a challenge for the current infrastructures. The Moonshot solution allows for support of a greater number of streams per rack module, per 1 W or 1 USD, without extension of the data centre.

Big Data and analytics

Analysis of great amounts of variable data with real time processing is possible due to dedicated Moonshot inserts. Everything is much more effective in comparison to a traditional server infrastructure. Moreover, the selected Moonshot server inserts ensure digital signal processing technology (DSP), used successfully in the Telco environments.

Web Infrastructure

The Moonshot systems are solutions created to provide optimised and full-value network services to the clients. Continuous scalability of services and increase of the number of clients, with no compromise within the scope of use comfort deterioration, will contribute to improvement of their satisfaction.

Mobile Workspace

HPE Moonshot, combined with the Citrix XenApp solution, allows to deliver any applications, from the simplest ones (such as Microsoft Office), to advanced multimedia applications, through a single hardware platform. This makes real time decisions or immediate access to graphic resources possible without delays, efficiency drop or service quality issues.

For complete product catalogue with product codes, visit http://www.hpe.com

Developed based on materials made available by HPE.

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